Free Income Tax Preparation Service Initiative

Volunteers Needed

Learn to Prepare Taxes and Make a Difference at the same time.  How can you make a difference? Simple.  Help your community in preparing taxes free of charge or for a voluntary contribution to building funds by becoming a volunteer with the Free Income Tax Preparation Service Initiative.

Be a Volunteer.  This Free Income Tax Preparation Initiative is a partnership between Amare Berhie and Debre Selam Medhanealem Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Volunteers typically start training in January. They are expected to provide two to three hours (Sunday) of service per week between the beginning of February to the middle of April. The time commitment will vary depending on individual responsibilities as well as the number of volunteers working at a site and the number of people being served by the site.

Currently we are seeking volunteers for the following positions:

  • Administrative assistants to process tax returns, make copies, keep track of data, check taxpayers in, and make sure taxpayers are being served in the order they arrived
  • Interpreters assist taxpayers who have limited English proficiency. We are currently seeking Tigrigna and Oromia interpreters.

Volunteer Requirements:

  • Sign a confidentiality agreement;
  • Seniors in high school or university students planning to major in accounting, finance, marketing, business, etc.
  • Excellent typing speed.

Why Volunteer?

  • Learn something new and exciting.
  • Make an impact on the lives of others.
  • Improve language skills.
  • Meet and interact with new and diverse people
  • Give back to your community.
  • Gain valuable work and business experience to better compete in today’s job market.
  • Utilize your professional/technical skills.

Great volunteers are the key to our success. Join this year’s effort and help make a difference in our community.

Want More Information?

Call Ato Tewodros Desta @ 651-235-5341

Free Income Tax Preparation Service Initiative! (ነጻ የገቢ ታክስ ዝግጅት አገልግሎት)

Get Your Tax Refund Fast!!!

Combining e-file with direct deposit is the fastest and safest way to get your refund. Amare Berhie, an IRS licensed Enrolled Agent and an Authorized e-file Provider, is providing free tax preparation services in hopes of raising funds for Debre Selam Medhanealem EOTC building. You are welcome to make donations of any amount. Please come and take advantage of this offer to have your taxes completed by an experienced professional and your volunteered contribution will go to a good cause.(ከገቢ ታክስ ተመላሽ ክፍያ በተፋጠነ መንገድ ለማግኘት ሰነዱን በአሌክትሮኒክስ ገቢ በማድረግና ተመላሹ ገንዘብ ለባንክ በቀጥታ ገቢ እንዲሆን የሚያስችል የታክስ ዝግጅት አገልግሎት ባሁኑ ወቅት በቤተክርስትያናችን ይሰጣል።

 ለቤተክርስትያን ህንጻ ግንባታ ገንዘብ ለማሰባሰብ እንዲረዳ በማቀድ ለዚሁ ሙያ ህጋዊ ፈቃድና የምስክር ወረቀት ያላቸው ባለሙያ አቶ አማረ በርሄ ለግል ድካማቸው ክፍያ ሳይጠይቁ አገልግሎቱን ለመስጠት ተዘጋጅተዋል። ለዚህም በጎ ተግባር አቅማችሁ የቻለውን ያህል በመለገስ ሰፊ የሥራ ልምድ ባለው ባለሙያ በአገልግሎቱ እንድትጠቀሙ ቤተክርስትያናችን ትጋብዛለች።)

Open Every Sunday 8:30am – 11:30am until April 15, 20174401 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55406To make appointment (651) 235-5341, (612) 424-1540

For more info visit or

ደመራ 2010 (Demera 2017)

የደብረ ሰላም መድኃኔዓለም የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተክርስቲያን የ2010 ዓ. ም. (2017) የደመራ በዓልን በደመቀ ሁኔታ መስከረም ፲፫, ፳፻፲ (September 23, 2017) በ2629 30th Ave South Minneapolis MN 55406 ስለሚያከብር ከቤተሰብ፣ ከዘመድ እና ከወዳጅ ጋር በመምጣት የበረከቱ ተካፊይ እንዲሆኑ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ጥሪዋን ታስተላልፋለች።

በእለቱም ለልጆችዎ መጫወቻ ያዘጋጀን ስለሆነ ከ12PM ጀምሮ መጥተው ልጆችዎን ያጫውቱ።

የመኪና ማቆሚያ የተንጣለለ የ2.7 Acre ቦታ ስላለን ማቆሚያ ቦታ አጥቼ እቸገራለሁ ብለው ኃሳብ እይግባዎት፣ እንደ በፊቱ ሩቅ አቁሞ የጐልፍ ሜዳ አቋረጡ ብሎ የሚወቅስዎ የለምና ዘና ብለው መኪናዎትን ያቆሙ ዘንድ የሚረዱዎት መዕመናን አዘጋጅተን እንጠብቆታለን።

ወስበሃት ለእግዚአብሔር

Easter Live Broadcasting/የትንሣኤ አገልግሎት ቀጥታ ስርጭት

Easter Live Broadcasting – Debre Selam Medhanealem Ethiopian Orthodox Church Minneapolis MN
የትንሣኤ አገልግሎት ቀጥታ ስርጭት – ደብረ ሰላም መድኃኔዓለም የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን – ሚኒያፖሊስ ሚኒሶታ
Happy Easter – This will conclude our  live broadcast.
መልካም የትንሣኤ በዓል

የስቅለት አገልግሎት ቀጥታ ስርጭት

Good Friday Live Broadcasting – Debre Selam Medhanealem Ethiopian Orthodox Church Minneapolis MN
የስቅለት አገልግሎት ቀጥታ ስርጭት – ደብረ ሰላም መድኃኔዓለም የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን – ሚኒያፖሊስ ሚኒሶታ
Good Friday Live Broadcasting – 2
Good Friday Live Broadcasting –  1

የሕማማት እና የትንሣኤ አገልግሎት በደብራችን






ከሰኞ – ረቡዕ  –> ከጠዋቱ 12 – ቀኑ 7 ሰዓት (6AM – 1 PM)
ሐሙስ  –>  ከጠዋቱ 11 – ቀኑ 8 ሰዓት (5AM – 2 PM)
አርብ  –>  ከጠዋቱ 11 – 12 ሰዓት (5AM – 6 PM)
ቅዳሜ  –> ጠዋት ከ12 – 2 ሰዓት
የትንሳኤ አገልግሎት
ቅዳሜ ከሰዓት 11  – ሌሊቱ 8 ሰዓት (ከ5PM – 2AM)

በዓለ ጥምቀት

ጥምቀት በጽርዕ ቋንቋ ኤጲፋኒያ በግእዝ አስተርዮ በአማርኛ መገለጥ ይባላል፡፡ ቃሉ በቀጥታ ሲተረጎም በውኃ ውስጥ ገብቶ መውጣት፣ መነከር፣ መዘፈቅ፣ መጥለቅ ማለት ነው፡፡ ጥምቀት ከሰባቱ ምሥጢራተ ቤተክርስቲያን (ምሥጢረ ጥምቀት፣ ምሥጢረ ሜሮን፣ ምሥጢረ ቁርባን፣ ምሥጢረ ንስሐ፣ ምሥጢረ ክህነት፣ ምሥጢረ ተክሊል፣ ምሥጢረ ቀንዲል) አንዱና ጌታችን አምላካችን መድኃኒታችን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ለኒቆዲሞስ በዮሐ. 3፥5 ላይ ‹‹እውነት እውነት እልሀለሁ፤ ዳግመኛ ከውኃና ከመንፈስ ቅዱስ ያልተወለደ ሰው ወደ እግዚአብሔር መንግሥት ሊገባ አይችልም፡፡›› ብሎ እንደተናገረው ከውኃና ከመንፈስ ተወልደን የሥላሴን ልጅነት የምናገኝበት መንግሥተ ሰማያት የምንገባበት ኃጢአታችን የሚደመሰስበት ድኅነትን የምናገኝበት ዐቢይ ምሥጢር ነው፡፡ ጥምቀት በምሥጢረ ሥላሴና በምሥጢረ ሥጋዌ አምኖ ለሚፈጽመው ሰው ሁሉ ለኃጢአት መደምሰሻ ከሥላሴ የጸጋ ልጅነት ለመቀበልና የእግዚአብሔርን መንግሥት ለመውረስ የተሰጠ ልዩ የሕይወት መንገድ ነው፡፡

to read more

Revised Bylaw (የተሻሻለው ህገ ደንብ)

Section 1 – Name The official name of the church shall be DEBRE SELAM MEDHANEALEM ETHIOPIAN ORTHODOX TEWAHEDO CHURCH in Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as “The Church”, which has been duly incorporated, AS A CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, under Article 10, Section 191 and 193 of the Religious Incorporation Law of the State of Minnesota. English Version  የአማርኛ ቅጂ

English –  new Bylaw by SubCommittee

Orginal Posted on Aug 21, 2016 @ 07:57

የመድኃኔዓለም ንግስ እና የመሰረት ድንጋይ ማኖር በደብረ ሰላም መድኃኔዓለም

የደብረ ሰላም መድኃኔዓለም የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ብፁፅ አቡነ ዳንኤል በተገኙበት የጥቅምት መድኃኔዓለምን ጥቅምት 27 2009 (Nov 6, 2006) በደመቀ መልኩ ያከብራል በዕለቱም አዲስ በተገዛው ቦታ ላይ ብፁፅ አባታችን የመሰረት ድንጋይ ያኖራሉ።

ወስብሃት ለእግዚአብሔር!

ደብረ ሰላም 2.7 Acres (1.1 ሔክታር ወይንም 10927 ካሬ ሜትር) ቦታ ገዛች

2016-06-20 08_32_31-New notification በስመ አብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ አሃዱ አምላክ አሜን።

“የሰማይ አምላክ ያከናውንልናል እኛም ባሪያዎቹ ተነስተን እንሰራለን” ነህምያ 2፥20

ከሁሉ አስቀድሞ ነገርን ሁሉ በጊዜው ውብ አድርጎ ለሰራ ለልዑል እግዚአብሔር ክብርና ምስጋና ይሁን።

ቤተክርስቲያናችን ሚኒሶታ ደብረ ሰላም መድኃኔዓለም የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተክርስቲያን በርካታ መንፈሳዊና ማኅበራዊ አገልግሎቶች የሚሰጡባት ንጽሕት እና ቅድስት የሆነች የእግዚአብሔር ማደሪያ ናት። ይህች ቤተክርስቲያን በፈቃደ እግዚአብሔር ከተመሰረተች ጊዜ ጀምሮ እዚህ ለምንገኝ አባላትም ሆነ በተለያዩ ምክንያቶች አሁን በዚህ ከእኛ ጋር ለሌሉም ብዙ ወገኖቻችን ሁሉ በርካታ አገልግሎቶችን ያበረከተች ቤተክርስቲያን ናት። ብዙዎች ልጆቻቸውን ያስጠመቁባት ቅዱስ ጋብቻን የመሰረቱባት ለቅዱስ ሥጋውና ለክቡር ደሙ የበቁባት በርካቶችም ከጭንቀት ከሃዘንና ከችግራቸው የተጽናኑባት የሰማይ ደጅ ናት።

በእውነተኛው አምላካችን ደም የተመሰረተችው ይህች ቤተክርስቲያናችን የንጽህት ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶን ቤተክርስቲያንን እምነት ሥርዓትና ትውፊት ጠብቃ ያለች በዓመት ውስጥ 365 ቀናት ክፍት ሆና በርካታ መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎቶችን ትሰጣለች። በኪዳን፣ በቅዳሴና በሰዓታት ጸሎታት፤ እንዲሁም በተለያዩ ክብረ በአላት፦ ለማስታወስም በአመት ውስጥ 14 ጊዜ ያህል በማኅሌት፣ ጥምቀትን ጨምሮ ዘጠኝ ጊዜ ያህል በንግሥ፣ 16 ቀን በሰሙነ ፍልሰታ፣ 6ሳምንታት በጽጌ ማኅሌት፣ 5 ቀን በሰሙነ ሕማማት እንዲሁም በመስቀል ደመራ ልዩ ዝግጅት ያላሰለሰ አገልግሎት የሚሰጠባት ታላቅ ደብር ናት።

በደብራችን የሚሰጡት መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎቶች እየተስፋፉ ከመምጣታቸው በተጨማሪ የተገልጋዩም ምእምን ቁጥር ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ በከፍተኛ ደረጃ እያደገ በመምጣቱ፤ ይበልጡንም ደግሞ በዚህ ሃገር የተወለዱ ልጆች ሃይማኖታቸውን ተምረው ቤተክርስቲያንን ለመረከብና ለማገልገል ይችሉ ዘንድ የተመቻቸ ሁኔታን ማዘጋጀት የግድ አስፈላጊ በመሆኑ በተጨማሪም ሌሎች ችግሮችን ማቃለል ይቻል ዘንድ በስፋትና በይዘት አሁን ካለንበት ቤተክርስቲያን ሰፋ ያለና ምቹ የሆነ ሁሉን የሚያሟላ አዲስ ሕንጻ ቤተክርስቲያን መስራት አማራጭ የሌለው መሆኑ ታምኖበት እንቅስቃሴ ተጀምሮ የነበረ መሆኑ የሚታወስ ነው። ይሁን እንጂ መልካም ሥራን ለመስራት ሲነሳሱ ሁል ጊዜም ፈተና በመኖሩ ያሰብነው እቅድ ቤተክርስቲያናችን በገጠማት ፈተና ለጊዜው ተጓቶ የነበረ ቢመስልም የቤተክርስቲያናችን የአስተዳደር ቦርድ ለዚህ ታላቅ ውጥን ቅድሚያ በመስጠት በተለያዩ ጊዜያትም ከአባላት ጋር በመወያየት እና የአባላትን ይሁኝታ በማግኘት ለጉዳዩ የበለጠ ትኩረት ሰጥቶ እንቅስቃሴውን አጠናክሮ ሲሰራ ቆይቷል።

በእኛ በኩል ላለፈው አንድ አመት ተኩል ያህል ነገሮች አንድ ጊዜ ተስፋ የሚያስቆርጡ ሌላ ጊዜ ደግሞ ተስፋ የሚሰጡ መስለው ሲቀጠሉ ቆይተዋል። ነገር ግን እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ፈቅዶ ይኸው ለዛሬዋ የምስራች እለት አድርሶናል።

የምሰራቹም አንድ ዓመት ከአምስት ወራት ብዙ ውጣ ውረድ ያየንበት ለቤተክርስቲያን እና ለልዩ ልዩ ተቋማት መስሪያ የሚሆነውን 2.7 ኤከር ስፋት ወይንም ወደ 11 ሺህ ካሬ ሜትር ስፋት ያለውን 2629 30th Ave S Minneapolis, 55406 ላይ የሚገኘውን ቦታ ገዝተን የቦታውን ባለቤትነት ሰነድ ከትናንት በስቲያ አርብ ጁን 17/2016 ዓ.ም ተረክበናል።

ለዚህም አባታችን መድኃኔዓለም ክብርና ምስጋና ለስሙ ይሁን እንላለን።

የደብረ ሰላም መድኃኔዓለም የኢ/ኦ/ተ ቤተ ክርስቲያን


Revised Bylaw (የተሻሻለው ህገ ደንብ)

As you / members of our Church / are aware that the board of trustees of Minnesota Debreselam Medhanealem Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church had assigned a committee to review the bylaw of our Church and recommend amendments back to the board.

After the assigned committee had completed its task and submitted its proposals, the board of trustees on its part reviewed and approved the amendments having made some changes to some of the proposed amendments.

Since the final draft of the bylaw should be discussed and approved by members of the Church in a duly called General Assembly meeting, here posted are the proposed amendments to view and discuss.
The board of trustees will soon announce the date of the General Assembly meeting for discussion over these amendments and for approval by the GA.



በዓለ ስቅለት እና በዓለ እግዝእትነ ሲገጣጠሙ ይሰገዳል ወይስ አይሰገድም?

IMG_1421ምንም እንኳ ይህ ጥያቄ በብዙ ሰዎች ዘንድ የተመለሰ ቢሆንም ተደጋጋሚ ጥያቄዎች መምጣታቸው ሁለት ነገሮችን ስላመለከተኝ እኔም እንደገና በአጭሩ ለመመለስ ጥረት አደርጋለሁ፡፡ የመጀመሪያው የተሰጠው መልስ ለሁሉም እኩል አለመድረሱ ሲሆን በሁለተኛነት ደግሞ አንዳንዶቻችንም ተደጋሞ አንድ ዓይነት መልስ በማየት የማረጋገጥ ፍላጎት ያለን ይመስላል፡፡
ይህን የመሰሉ ተደጋጋሚ ጥቄዎች ሲገጥሙን ነገሩን ማየት ያለብን ከመሠረታዊው የቤተ ክርስቲያን ትውፊትና አስተምህሮ መሆን አለበት፡፡ ለምሳሌ ይህ ጥያቄ የበዓሉን አከባበር የሚመለከት ስለሆነ በቤተ ክርስቲያናችን የበዓላት ቀኖናም ሆነ ትውፊት መሠረት በዓላት የሚበላለጡ ከሆነ የሚበልጠው የትኛው ነው ከሚለው ቀላል ጥያቄ ልንነሣ እንችላለን፡፡ በዚሁ መሠረት የመጀመሪያውን ደረጃ የሚይዙት የጌታችን ዐበይት በዓላት ቀጥሎም የጌታችን ንዑሳት በዓላት መሆናቸውን ለመረዳት አያስቸግርም፡፡ Continue reading በዓለ ስቅለት እና በዓለ እግዝእትነ ሲገጣጠሙ ይሰገዳል ወይስ አይሰገድም?

Volunteers Needed

TaxLearn to Prepare Taxes and Make a Difference at the same time.  How can you make a difference? Simple.  Help your community in preparing taxes free of charge or for a voluntary contribution to building funds by becoming a volunteer with the Free Income Tax Preparation Service Initiative.

Be a Volunteer.  This Free Income Tax Preparation Initiative is a partnership between Amare Berhie and your church, Debreselam Medhanealem Church.

Volunteers typically start training in January. They are expected to provide two to three hours (Sunday) of service per week between the beginning of February to the middle of April. The time commitment will vary depending on individual responsibilities as well as the number of volunteers working at a site and the number of people being served by the site.

  • Currently we are seeking volunteers for the following positions: 
    Administrative assistants to process tax returns, make copies, keep track of data, check taxpayers in, and make sure taxpayers are being served in the order they arrived
  • Interpreters assist taxpayers who have limited English proficiency. We are currently seeking Tigrigna and Oromia interpreters.

Volunteer Requirements:

  • Sign a confidentiality agreement;
  • Seniors in high school or university students planning to major in accounting, finance, marketing, business, etc.
  • Excellent typing speed.

Why Volunteer?

  • Learn something new and exciting.
  • Make an impact on the lives of others.
  • Improve language skills.
  • Meet and interact with new and diverse people
  • Give back to your community.
  • Gain valuable work and business experience to better compete in today’s job market.
  • Utilize your professional/technical skills.

Great volunteers are the key to our success. Join this year’s effort and help make a difference in our community.

Want More Information?
Call 651-235-5341     

Free Income Tax Preparation Service Initiative!

Get Your Tax Refund Fast!!!

Combining e-file with direct deposit is the fastest and safest way to get your refund. Amare Berhie, an IRS licensed Enrolled Agent and an Authorized e-file Provider, is providing free tax preparation services in hopes of raising funds for Debreselam Medhanealem EOTC building. You are welcome to make donations of any amount. Please come and take advantage of this offer to have your taxes completed by an experienced professional and your voluntary contribution will go to a good cause.

                           ነጻ የገቢ ታክስ ዝግጅት አገልግሎት
ከገቢ ታክስ ተመላሽ ክፍያ በተፋጠነ መንገድ ለማግኘት ሰነዱን በአሌክትሮኒክስ ገቢ በማድረግና ተመላሹ ገንዘብ ለባንክ በቀጥታ ገቢ እንዲሆን የሚያስችል የታክስ ዝግጅት አገልግሎት ባሁኑ ወቅት በቤተክርስትያናችን ይሰጣል።
ለቤተክርስትያን ህንጻ ግንባታ ገንዘብ ለማሰባሰብ እንዲረዳ በማቀድ ለዚሁ ሙያ ህጋዊ ፈቃድና የምስክር ወረቀት ያላቸው ባለሙያ አቶ አማረ በርሄ ለግል ድካማቸው ክፍያ ሳይጠይቁ አገልግሎቱን ለመስጠት ተዘጋጅተዋል። ለዚህም በጎ ተግባር አቅማችሁ የቻለውን ያህል በመለገስ ሰፊ የሥራ ልምድ ባለው ባለሙያ በአገልግሎቱ እንድትጠቀሙ ቤተክርስትያናችን ትጋብዛለች።

 Get Your Federal, State & Property Tax Refund Fast!!!

 Free Income Tax Preparation Service Initiative – we offer Federal and State tax preparation with secure electronic filing and direct deposit. 

Get Your Taxes Done For Free Or Voluntary Contribution To The DSMA EOTC Building Fund.

  • Federal, State & Property Tax Refund
  • Electronic, Secure Tax Filing
  • Fast Refunds,
  • Authorized IRS E-file Provider

Get your refund the fastest way possible using e-file and direct deposit. We’ll help you get all the credits you qualify for and file your return electronically, so you’ll get your refund fast.

What Should I Bring?

  • Proof of identification (photo ID)
  • Social Security cards for you, your spouse and dependents
  • An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) assignment letter may be substituted for you, your spouse and your dependents if you do not have a Social Security number
  • Proof of foreign status, if applying for an ITIN
  • Birth dates for you, your spouse and dependents on the tax return
  • Wage and earning statements (Form W-2, W-2G, 1099-R,1099-Misc) from all employers
  • Interest and dividend statements from banks (Forms 1099)
  • All Forms 1095, Health Insurance Statements
  • Health Insurance Exemption Certificate, if received
  • A copy of last year’s federal and state returns, if available
  • Proof of bank account routing and account numbers for direct deposit such as a blank check
  • To file taxes electronically on a married-filing-joint tax return, both spouses must be present to sign the required forms
  • Total paid for daycare provider and the daycare provider’s tax identifying number such as their Social Security number or business Employer Identification Number
  • Forms 1095-A, B or C, Affordable Health Care Statements

Additional Tax Information/Forms

  • If you paid student loans: 1098-E
  • If you attended a higher-education institution: 1098-T, documentation of tuition
  • If you owned a home: 1098, documentation of mortgage interest and property taxes paid
  • If you owned your own business: documentation of business income, business expenses and mileage
  • CPR – 2015 Certificate of rent paid
  • 2016 Property Tax Statement

Do I Need To Make An Appointment?

Appointments are appreciated but walk-ins are welcome! Our Program runs from January to April 15, 2016, Sunday 9:00 to 11:30pm.

About Our Program:

This Tax Preparation Volunteers program is a partnership between Amare Berhie & Debreselam Medhaniealem EOT Church and is operated by volunteers.

About Amare Berhie:

Amare Berhie, Enrolled Agent, founder & CEO of ABA Tax Accounting, a public accounting firm and AB Tax Online, FREE e-Filing Tax Service is a Tax & Accounting professional and real estate investment consultant. IRS licensed and authorized by the United States Department of Treasury to appear on taxpayers behalf at all levels of the IRS, in ALL States and an Authorized IRS e-file Service Provider.

What are the limitations to services?

We can help most people with their tax returns, but some returns are too complex for this engagement. Here are services we do NOT provide:

  • Prior Year and Amended Returns
  • Schedule C with losses
  • Complicated & advanced Schedule D (capital gains and losses)
  • Form SS-5 (request for Social Security Number)
  • Form 8606 (non-deductible IRA)
  • Form 8615 (minor’s investment income)
  • If you have a 1099-B (proceeds from a brokerage, if you bought/sold stock)
  • If you sold your home or if it went into foreclosure
  • If you moved for your job and would like to claim the moving expenses adjustment
  • If you received rental income
  • If you are an international student/teacher on a J,Q, F or M Visa
  • If you are a non-resident alien who needs to complete a 1040NR form
  • If you are self-employed and had expenses above $10,000, had a net loss, or want to deduct the use of your home as a business expense.
  • If you are a registered domestic partnership (This is not the same as a same-sex marriage. We can file those returns.)
  • Form SS-8 (determination of worker status for purposes of federal employment taxes and income tax withholding)

Note:  For complex or out of scope returns, you may contact Amare Berhie at ABA Tax Accounting or other professional preparers for assistance.

What If I want To File For Free On My Own?

If you’d prefer to file online on your own, you may visit AB Tax Online. Federal tax is free for those who made less than $100,000 in 2015, single or married filing joint.

ዜና እረፍት


የደብረ ሰላም መድኃኔዓለም የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ከመስራቾቹ አንዱ እና ታላቅ አባት የነበሩት አቶ ታዬ ረታ ባደረባቸው ህመም ሲረዱ ቆይተው በትላንትናው እለት በፌርቪው ዩኒቨርስቲ ሆስፒታል አርፈዋል።

ቤተ ክርስቲያናችን የተሰማትን ጥልቅ ሀዘን እየገለጸች ለልጆቻቸው፣ ለቤተሰቦቻቸው እና ለወዳጆቻቸው ሁሉ መጽናናት ትመኛለች።  እግዚአብሔር ነፍሳቸውን ከደጋጎቹ አባቶች ጎን ያሳርፍልን።

የእዝኑ ቦታ: Lao Community Center 320 University Ave W Saint Paul MN, Thursday and Friday from 2 PM
ሥርዓተ ፍትሃት: ደብረ ሰላም መድኃኔዓለም 4401 Minnehaha Ave S MPLS MN 55406 -Saturday @10AM
ስርዓተ ቀብሩ:
 Sunset Funeral Chapel – 2250 St Anthony Blvd, Minneapolis, MN 55418