ጾመ ነነዌ – ሰኞ ጥር 25, 2007 ይጀምራል Tsome Nenewe (The fast of Nineveh): 3 days fasting which starts on the Monday proceeding before Abye Tsome (Lent) – Start on Monday February 02, 2015 – 04, 2015
Abye Tsome or Hudade (Lent): 55 days Fasting before Easter which is divided in to the following three categories: – Lent start on February 16, 2015
- Tsome Hirkal: 8 days fasting which starts 8 days proceeding before Tsome Arba.
- Tsome Arba: 40 days fasting which starts immediately after Tsome Hirkan up to Palm Sunday.
- Tsome Himamat: 7 days fasting which starts on the Monday after Palm Sunday until Easter